And then there are the
country stats. Hmmmm, who is that, I wonder, following me here in Switzerland?
And Kyrgyzstan? Who would have
thought! But “Hi there”, whoever you are.
I have no idea how the
visits to my site compare with visits to other people’s sites – and I probably
don’t want to know. I can only make within-site comparisons. But even just
considering my own site, there is the fear that visits will decline, and that I
will have to do something new to attract attention again. If you read my
earlier post (“Life is like...”), where I talk about living in a world with only
down escalators, I would add this: Not only do they only go down, they
constantly pick up speed; which means that it is necessary to actually increase
my own speed when going up, just to maintain my current position.
But don’t worry. I
don’t need comforting. I am enjoying myself, and I hope you are enjoying
reading the stuff I write, however varied its quality. The challenge of coming
up with something (slightly) interesting to say, daily if possible, is one that
I relish. And thank you for taking the time to visit.
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As a daily blogger myself I go through the same thing. Some days I like what I write, other times I feel like I'm just putting words on paper. Those can be the posts people like the most, which is a little weird to me.