“Anything that is
easily explained isn’t really worth explaining.” – me.
I shouldn’t have to explain that, should I? But I will anyway. Or,
rather, I will use it as a launching pad for today.
It is funny how people are willing to jump so quickly from “unexplained”
to “inexplicable” (now, there’s a weirdly irregular word). Yet my not having an
explanation for something – and here I emphasise my not having an explanation – is hardly evidence that something is
inexplicable. I may watch a magician perform a trick; I have no explanation for
what he or she did; I am fascinated, even slightly in awe. But I don’t pass
from that state to thinking that it is inexplicable. I don’t assume that it’s,
er… magic. The same is true of many things in the realm of science. The same is
even true in many day to day events. I can’t explain why the sock that I looked
for so thoroughly in the drawer, is suddenly there on top, right before my
eyes. I am unlikely, however, to resort to explaining this in terms of that
mischievous sock demon that likes to mess with my mind. I happen to know that
he became bored and moved onto higher technology. He now moves files around on
my computer.
People often complain about human arrogance. How arrogant to think that
we could explain everything! Actually, however, the arrogance is on the other
foot – or perhaps I am getting that mixed up with socks. Anyway, it would be
extraordinarily arrogant were I to assume that, because I could not explain something, it was, therefore, inherently
inexplicable. I may just be stupid. I am almost certainly lacking some
necessary information.
Of course, the other thing that people often mean when they say that
something is inexplicable, is that it is perfectly explicable. What they really
mean is that they can explain it in
terms of some kind of supernatural intervention. Really, though, that is just
the lazy path. I don’t know why this occurred, so it must be something, you
know, like magical? Like, you know, God or somethin’? This is, in the end, a
pretty radical (and arrogant) claim. It needs rather more justification than:
“I can’t explain it, therefore it must be…”
I prefer to take the humbler approach. Yes, I can’t presently explain
why my sock suddenly appeared precisely where I had looked ten times
previously. I think, though, that this may be because I lack some information,
something that has to do with the vagaries of human (and perhaps especially,
male) perception. It is unexplained-ness that drives science; and God, demons
and magic are just the lazy shortcut that stands in the way.
SIDS could Be a specific unexplained disorder, resulting in death, but could it be that there are several disorders resulting in the same symptoms(full functionalty to unexplained loss of life) Crib death is mentioned here because it's so spectorial, triggering witch hunts w/in the family, because the inexplicable "doesn't exist".